Angel Reading - Timeless - 58


Dear Beautiful People,

Happy New Year! I know, I am late in wishing you. I have not posted these angel readings since December. I was taking some time out from being constantly busy.

Also, I want to change some things here with my blogs/emails. I wish to add more articles and videos that are helpful to you besides only the Weekly Angel Readings.

So here are the changes:

1. Instead of weekly Angel Readings I will be doing fortnightly Angel Readings
2. I will be posting articles & videos on topics like manifest better health relationships, money, or anything else you wish to manifest, articles on angels, meditation, EFT, etc.
3. I will be posting the above two topics on alternate weeks. So this week I am sending an Angel Reading for the next 14 days. And next Sunday I will send an article from #2 above.

Let me know how 2022 is for you so far.

And now, for the Angel Reading: 


This is a "Timeless" Angel Reading. Whenever you see this reading and make a choice from the 3 pictures, the message will be relevant for you at that time. And this means that if you come back another time to this same page and choose again, the messages will be relevant for you at that time.



  • Remove all distractions.
  • Ask your Guardian Angel to help you pick the RIGHT picture for you: A, B, C.
  • Look at the picture above and see which one you feel guided to choose. 
  • Please do not pick a picture because it looks nice, or for any reason like that. Ignore the subject of the picture, and be guided purely by your intuition. This is very important.
  • Scroll down to check your corresponding message.

Your Guardian Angel Message:


General:  If you chose A, you will be happy to know that the time of feeling stuck is over or about to be over. Trust your plans, trust your skills, trust your intuition, and start working towards whatever it is you have been wanting to build or create. Even if you don't see all the steps in the staircase, you will notice that as you take the initial steps to give birth to your dreams/plans, the next steps will automatically start to appear. If you feel you need to make adjustments to your plans along the way, do it. Your inner voice and your angels will guide you perfectly to help you navigate your way. This is a time of "birthing". This birthing could be of a baby or a new job/business/project/idea. Basically, it is time for a creative endeavor. No matter what the project is - a baby, a project, a new relationship, or adopting a pet (it's always a great time to adopt a pet from a shelter & give it a life full of love), this new endeavor requires your love, care, devotion, and nurturing. It is a time for beginning something new. 

Relationships:  If you are in a relationship this is a beautiful time. Your relationship will be deep, loving, sensual, romantic, and committed. If you are planning to have a baby, now is a good time. And if you are single, make sure you are meeting people (even if online). Keep the vision of your desired version of your partner, and imagine yourself with him/her. Your visualization will lead you to your partner.

Work/Money:  This is a very good time for your career (job or business) because you will be feeling inspired and creative. You will have great ideas, and people working with you will be inspired by you. Those in a career that has to do with art will especially do well. If you wish to start a new job or business, it is a good time to do so. Finances will do good, and it will be great to help those less fortunate.

Health: Your angels ask you to be gentle with yourself. If you feel tired, don't push yourself. Just like you would nurture another, nurture yourself too. If you are planning for a pregnancy, this is a good time.

Spiritual Life: Your angels are asking you to slow down, relax, and take time to listen to their guidance. Your intuition will be heightened, and you will find that your connection to the Divine becomes more powerful. This is a time of peace, harmony, and joy.

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General:   If you chose B, you've been wishing for more freedom in your life - freedom with time or choice, or finances or anything else. You are dreaming of traveling, of going places, or of at the least just doing what you wish to with freedom. Visualize. That's the key. Keep the vision of being free to live a joyful life (whatever 'joyful life' means to you personally) in your mind, see it often. It works.

Mostly, whatever you do, you will meet with success. Keep your thoughts on victory, and don't let your mind wander to thoughts of inadequacy or fear. Make long-term plans fearlessly. What would you like to achieve in the coming time? Think big picture. And remember, all your work from before, every effort, every seed sown will bear fruit. Do not wait for it. Rest assured it is on its way. And make plans for the future. Everything will be going well for you. Some of you will actually get to travel, most likely for work purposes. 

Most of all remember to be courageous, confident, and positive! And you will see things going your way. 

Relationships:   If you are in a relationship, everything will progress well. You should be happy with your partner, and your partner with you. If you have been thinking of taking your relationship to the next level, now is a good time. You could be planning to relocate together, or wishing to relocate to another country. Some might be in a long-distance romance. And if you are single, do not waste time fretting. Instead, really enjoy your freedom for now. Experience life as only a single person can. You will soon be in a relationship and then you will experience life as a couple can. :-) If you were traveling now, you could meet potential partners during your travels. But even if you cannot, you can always "travel" through learning new things online and meeting new people online. You might meet someone online who lives at a distance from you (possibly another country) and have a long-distance romance. 

Work/Money:  There could be some sort of travel in the cards for you. If not a real journey, you will dream of it, wish for it, or work with people overseas. Some of you might want to work in another country, and some might actually get the chance to travel overseas for work (despite current conditions). For the people who own their own business, you might be planning to expand your business. Even if you don't own a business, you need to think big picture, dream big, and make long-term plans for your career. Finances, investments will do well.   

Health: If you have been suffering from health challenges you can look forward to things improving now.

Spiritual Life: Your intuition will be getting stronger. In fact, if you take any spiritual/intuition/psychic development training you will do very well.

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General: Out with the old, in with the new! Your angels are asking you to look carefully at your life and see what you need to change in your life. Ask your Guardian Angels to help you see things clearly. Sometimes a change becomes absolutely necessary to improve our lives. And if we don't bring that change ourselves, Divine order steps in to remove things from our lives that are not working for us. However, change is much easier when we bring about the change ourselves. If the Universe needs to step in, we often go kicking and screaming through a change (which finally ends up good for us), because it feels difficult and against our wishes. Finally, "the Universe" is your own Divine Self. So if your human self and Divine Self work hand in hand, things are much better. If you do not know how to change things or do not know what to do to change things in your life, meditate each day, and in your meditation, just imagine yourself feeling very happy, feeling like something beautiful is happening for you now. Do not overlook this process in the sentence before this one. It is a very powerful exercise. It might take some time, but be patient, yet diligent about this exercise. Do it every day with faith. You will end up being pleasantly surprised about the way your life changes! :-) 

When change happens, even if we are fully aware that this is for our own good, often there is sadness or some sort of grief. If you are experiencing this, tell yourself again and again that all the changes will lead you to happiness. Also, remember that after endings come beautiful new beginnings. Be proactive, end whatever is not working anymore, and begin something new. Honor your sadness. Honor what you are letting go of. And welcome the new beginning with an open heart. What is past will always remain a part of you.

Remember -- a positive mind will bring about positive outcomes.

Relationships:  If you feel that the changes are coming in the relationship area of your life, look at what is not working in your relationships. Think rationally about whether a relationship is best saved, or best to let go of. Whatever you decide, it will finally be OK. If you wish to save a relationship, loving honesty with each other in bringing positive changes will help. So will visualizing positive changes. Suppose you want to bring beautiful changes to your relationship with someone, focus on only imagining beautiful scenes/dialogues with that person in your mind. Yes, in your mind. :-) We often fantasize about overly dramatic or sad things in our minds. Instead, daydream or imagine having loving conversations with this person. Imagine both of you being really respectful, kind, understanding, and loving with each other. Do not allow negative inner conversations or imaginations about this person. If you stick to this, your relationship will absolutely change for the better. And if you really wish to let go and move on, even then you will be fine. Everything will lead you to happiness - remind yourself of this.

Work/Money:  If your career is what is to experience the changes, you will know by checking your emotions. Are you truly happy where you are in your job or business? If not, make the changes you need to make. If you are proactive in bringing the changes (like changing the job, or manifesting that your current situation becomes much better), you will hardly experience any roller-coaster events. But if you refuse to bring about the change, there might be a sudden change in the area of your career. Any sudden changes that happen without us willingly participating can feel like an upheaval, but again, remind yourself -- this is leading you to something much better. That is the only reason the change is happening. Be prudent with finances, but then we should always be that way.

Health:  You could feel stressed in general, and you might wish your health was better than it is. And it will be. Take command of your health, and bring about the changes you need to improve your health. You will be happy with the changes. This phase might be calling for a lifestyle change or a change in your way of thinking. You must have heard this many times, but - try and remain happy, lower your stress, and you will see improvement in your health as well. Visualize the change you want to see in your health. Affirm (even if you don't believe it), "I am completely healthy" over and over again. You don't need to believe in your affirmation. As long as you can bring a feeling of how you will feel if you felt totally healthy (physically and/or emotionally), that's all that's needed. You can bring that feeling by asking yourself, "How would I feel if I were 100% healthy now?", or, "Wouldn't it be nice if I felt happy all the time?". Or you could try what is called an "afformation" - "Why do I feel so healthy and vibrant?", "Why do I feel so happy all the time?". Afformations are affirmations spoken as questions so that they bypass the questioning ego.

Spiritual Life: In your spiritual life, you are being asked to let go of old outmoded beliefs, and be ready for a spiritual breakthrough. 

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Have a BEAUTIFUL new week! 

Much love,

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