Are You Overwhelmed With Too Many Problems At Once?

There are times when we suddenly find ourselves surrounded by way too many problems of all kinds. And we don't know what to fix, what to let go of, what to fix first, and what to fix next. 

Have you faced such a situation? I have. And I can assure you, almost every human faces this at some time or another.

And you might already be aware of how the Law of Attraction works. You might even be aware of the Law of Assumption, and Neville Goddard's techniques of manifesting. But then, when faced with too many problems, you might feel confused about what issue to tackle first.

What if you needed a new job...

And you needed to fix your health...

And you needed to heal a particularly important relationship...

And also, you needed to quickly pay your rent...

       And so on?

These are all important. How can you choose to focus on one thing over another, and prioritize? When you are in a situation like this, you need to manifest them all together. 

Fortunately, there IS a way to tackle them all together. And this is what I am going to write about today.

But before I explain that, let me tell you a story in short, so that you will understand where and how this technique developed.  

Neville Goddard (my favorite mystic and manifestation teacher) had this story in one of his books - "The Law and The Promise". He used to teach people manifestation techniques so that they could improve their lives. He also taught manifestation for a deeper reason - for people to understand that they have the power of God within them, that they are never separate from God, and that they can do anything!

After one of his lectures, a woman came to him and told him that she understood his techniques, but she was drowning in too many problems and had no idea what to fix first. She was a single mother and had no means of earning. She had no money, so she didn't have good enough clothes to wear to an interview. She didn't have any means of transportation either. And she gave Neville a long list of other very important problems she had been facing. 

Then she went on to tell him how she learned from one of his lectures that one could just feel the feeling of all wishes fulfilled and think, "Isn't it wonderful...", instead of visualizing and trying to manifest each thing one by one.

After that, every night as she lay down to sleep she brought to herself the feeling of all her wishes fulfilled.

You can do this too. How would you feel if suddenly all your problems were solved? How would you feel if suddenly, right now, all your wishes were fulfilled? Go on, stop for a moment, close your eyes and imagine how it would feel. Did you get the feeling? Good! Now remember those feelings, and remember how you got to experience those feelings just now.

Now let's get on with the story I was telling you.

So, every night as she lay in bed, she brought up the feelings of having all her problems solved, all wishes fulfilled and imagined as if something wonderful was happening in her life right at that moment. Not in the future, but right then in that moment. She did not specifically think of what wonderful thing was happening in her life. She left the details out.

And she kept repeating in her mind while feeling the above feelings, "Isn't it wonderful? Something marvelous is happening to me now". And she repeated it till she fell asleep.

In a couple of months or so she met a friend who told her he was going on a trip to New York. This lady used to live in New York before she moved to where she was living. After a month that friend came back and met her and gave her a check of $2500. He said he met a common friend of theirs in NY. The lady had lost touch with this common friend for years. In these years this common friend had become very wealthy. When these two men were talking, somehow the topic of this lady came up. And the common friend sent a check of $2500 to her. He never explained why he sent it. You have to remember that this happened many years ago, and $2500 was an enormously huge amount those days. 

After that, he started sending a very generous check every month! Again, he never contacted her, and never explained why he was doing this. The amount he sent was enough to cover all her needs easily - a big apartment, beautiful clothes, car, and everything else. And even then, each month, she ended up saving plenty too. 

And that was not all. She was sent some legal documents that stated that she will be sent this check every month for the rest of her life!!

So basically, in one fell swoop, all her problems were sorted by applying just one technique instead of visualizing for each and every desire.

This is something you can do too!

1. Every night as you lie in bed, bring up the feelings of all your wishes fulfilled.

2. Repeat a statement to yourself in your mind as this lady did. You can say what she said, or something similar. I sometimes say, "OMG....I got everything I ever wanted! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!". Go ahead, make your own versions of this statement. How will you say it? Or you can say it exactly as this lady said, "Isn't it wonderful? Something marvelous/awesome/lovely/beautiful/any-other-word-you-prefer is happening to me now". 

3. Do not think of WHAT that wonderful thing is. Just feel it. 

4. Do this night after night without giving up. You will also notice that you are sleeping much better because of these beautiful feelings and thoughts.

5. During the day, pay attention to your thoughts and only think of thoughts that make you happy. Or you could repeat, "Isn't it wonderful? Something awesome is happening to me now". Make sure you do not think negative things. As soon as you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, stop yourself and try and daydream of beautiful things, or remember some nice events in your life, or talk to a very positive friend, watch a happy movie. Do anything, but do not think negative thoughts.

You will start to notice that your life is changing for the better, and all your problems are resolving as if by magic. 

Do this, and write back to me below in the comments when you start noticing miracles happening in your life as if on autopilot!

Much love,


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