What Message Do Your Angels Have This Week? July 26th, 2020

angel readings Jul 26, 2020

Hi there!

How have you been? I'm so sorry I didn't send the weekly angel reading last Sunday. Last week was a BIG week for me. For the first time in my life, I experienced what it was like to launch a business. Actually, I launched a new part of my work -- my online Academy! I learned a lot, and I also met some very sweet people. My husband and friends helped me a lot. And I am happy and grateful I have a really beautiful group of people who have joined my Academy. I'm looking forward to working with them.

Tell me how have YOU been? I hope all is beautiful in your world?

Let's get started with the Angel Reading now.



  • Remove all distractions.
  • Ask your guardian angel to help you pick the RIGHT picture for you: A, B, C.
  • Look at the picture above and see which one you feel guided to choose. 
  • Please do not pick a picture because it looks nice, or any reason like that. Ignore the subject of the picture, and be guided purely by your intuition. This is very important.
  • Scroll down to check your corresponding message.

Your Guardian Angel Message:


If you chose A, you could be feeling like there is something missing in your life. You know in your heart that there is more to life than what you are experiencing. In this journey of life we grow, evolve, and often we outgrow things that were fine for us before. And this is a perfectly normal process. The important thing is to figure out when we hit such a patch. When we get to this phase in life we need to take time to sit with ourselves and think of what is that is not feeling good anymore in our lives. Is this something you can work to make what you want, or do you wish to move on? When we hit this phase, it might be time for a change in career, residence, or another important change in life. What part of life do you seek to change?

If your thoughts are about relationships, you might be dealing with some abandonment challenges. You might be feeling that this is the end of a particular relationship.  For some, it might mean leaving a bad relationship. You could be tired of some aspects of your relationship and feel like giving up. Also, for some, old abandonment issues could affect the current relationship. It is really up to you in this case. Do you feel this is a bad situation and you are better off without it? Or is it a phase you are going through with your partner? Every relationship hits low points at times. If this is the case, manifesting healing between you two is a better solution. One of the best ways is to repeat in your mind what you really want from this relationship instead of focusing on the negative. What you tell yourself in your mind is what will happen. If you are single, you might be feeling lonely, and yet you might be scared of getting into a relationship because of past experiences where you felt abandoned. If this is the case, repeat in your mind, "I am loved. Everyone loves me. People in my life feel lucky to have me". Do not repeat the past abandonment stories in your mind, otherwise, that is what you will create more of in your life.

If you are thinking about your career, and you feel you have come to a dead-end, or you don't feel happy there anymore, be courageous and look for a new job while telling yourself that you will definitely find your dream job/career/business. In money matters, be careful about how you manage your finances, and all will be well. 

If health is causing you concern, your angels want you to know that most of it can be healed by thinking positively about your health. Tell yourself again and again that you are completely healthy. Do not dwell on the worries about your health.

If your question is about your spiritual life, then you are in a phase of soul-searching. You are looking for greater meaning in life. And you will find it.


If you chose B, something new is starting for you. Either you have just started, or are going to start soon. This new path in life will bring adventure, and this also requires a leap of faith on your part. It might be a totally new thing you might be doing, and you might be nervous, excited. Remember that you will not be doing this alone. Your angels will be with you at every step of the way. Your angels are saying that you have amazing gifts that you can offer to the world. Let go of fear, lack of confidence, or procrastination. New opportunities will be popping up in your life. Keep your mind open. It is time to follow your dreams. 

If you are in a relationship you might be so in love that life feels very exciting! This could be in the beginning phase where everything might be fun, and new. If you are single, a new fun-filled romance might soon come your way.

In matters of career/business, new opportunities will come your way, or you might be starting something totally new. It could be a new job/project that you are starting, or you are starting a business that has been on your mind. Do not let naysayers deter you from your path. If you are in a job that you are going to stay with, you will get fresh new ideas, and you will feel full of energy. Do your research well before starting something new, but do not be afraid. Money matters will look great if you put your mind to it.

Health will be improving. Be careful when you exercise or go on adventures, and all will be well. Some might be getting pregnant.

For those on a spiritual path, you will be starting a new journey! You might have people in life who will not understand what you are doing, but do let that stop you because the spiritual journey is very personal to each person.


If you chose C, your angels want you to know that your plans are going well. You might have a lot to do or big things to handle, so you will do even better if you planned out your work. Organize your work and your space. Create a methodical process for your work, and you will see definite improvements. Use your creativity to do your work, but also include the guidance of logic. There could also be a wise gentleman in your life who can give great advice to you. You have manifested beautiful results but might have a lot of work to do. Do not shy away from delegating work. You might be given a leadership position that will work out really well because you are ready to handle this responsibility. 

If you are in a relationship, things will go well. You will have stability, and loyalty from your partner. If you are single and looking for a relationship with a man, the person in your life might either be older than you or even if he is around the same age, he will be the protector in the relationship. He will be solid and dependable but might need some help in expressing his feelings. If you are single and interested in women, your angels advise you to try and be more expressive about your feelings for your lady. If she doesn't know you love her, then you might need to tell her.

If your concern is your job/career/business, you will enjoy success and recognition. In matters of work, don't get emotional about things. Instead, use calm logic, and hard work. If you are looking for a job, even if it is stressful, do not let your emotions rule your process. Be focused, logical, and persistent in your efforts and you will achieve success. Beautiful opportunities will be coming up in your life. If money is the concern, you are asked to be very practical about your spendings. And try and stay away from impulsive buying. At the same time, do not hold on so tight that you are afraid of spending.

In the area of health, do not force yourself to do things that are hard on your body. If your body is asking for rest, do take a break. Do not force yourself to do hard exercises if you are not really feeling up to it. Be gentle, and considerate with your body. If you are not feeling well, there is no shame in asking others for help. And seek a doctor's advice. 

In your spiritual life, ground yourself to feel stable and present, and carve out some time from your busy life for your spiritual practices.

Have a BEAUTIFUL new week! 

Much love,


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