Angel Reading - Timeless - 48


Dear Beautiful People,

The FREE 21-Day Manifest With Your Angel course is starting on the 1st of October. We will add the people on the waitlist to the private Facebook group very soon. Have you joined the waitlist for the no-cost 21-Day Manifest With Your Angel course? If you haven't, then read below, and if you have already joined, then scroll down to the Angel Reading.

The waitlist for the NO COST 21-day manifesting course is now OPEN! Add yourself there, and whitelist my email address [email protected] so that you will not miss my emails for the instructions and updates. In case you don't get my email for longer than a week, check your spam folder and move my email from the spam folder to your inbox otherwise you will miss important information.

Please go here to join the waitlist for the course: JOIN THE WAITLIST. Let me know if you have any questions 💗 🙂 

And now on to the Angel Reading.


This is a "Timeless"...

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How Archangel Michael Guided Me Back Home

angels archangel michael Jan 29, 2021

I have a sweet story for you today.

It’s about how Archangel Michael held my hand and guided me back home last Saturday (27th February 2016). He has done this for me before. There are many stories by others too about being guided home by him.

Why do I want to share this story? 1. Because I loved what happened. It made me happy. 2. Because I want you to have faith that we are not alone.

I was to travel back from San Francisco to San Jose on Saturday evening by the 6:15 pm train.

Sounds straight forward enough? Yes. Except that I was the traveler. There are a few things I am absolutely terrified of: 1) Cockroaches 2) Grasshoppers 3) Driving long distances or traveling alone. “Driving long distances or traveling alone” because I have no sense of direction. You must have heard of people with a good sense of direction or a bad sense of direction? Well…I don’t have one. Not even a bad sense of direction. It really terrifies me.

Normally there is one...

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Forgive Easily By Talking To Their Higher Self (Forgiveness Series – 2)

In my last post, I wrote about Forgiving By Writing A Letter.

Here is another very powerful method of forgiving – a meditation I created which I call “The Temple of Heart” meditation.

In this meditation, you talk to the Soul-Self or the Higher-Self of the person you need to forgive, because when we talk "human to human", our egos come in the way, and instead of forgiveness you might end up in yet another conflict, and add more nastiness in your life. So, instead, we will talk "Soul to Soul", as God made us. And you ask the angels to help you in this process.

When we go beyond our ego selves, and communicate with the very heart of the person – their soul, through our very own soul, miracles happen.



1. Read the meditation transcript once so you know how it is done.
2. Listen to the meditation video above. 
3. Make sure you do this meditation once every day till you get to a point where whatever you had a...

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I Met Archangel Michael At Borders Bookstore!

In the video below I talk about this experience, as well as two other times when I met angels:

We have often heard about being kind to everyone because you never know when you might be meeting an angel. This actually happened with me - I met Archangel Michael, much before I knew about the existence of angels.

Sometime in 1996-1997, I was planning to get attuned to Reiki or learn any other form of energy healing. So I visited my favorite haunt – Borders bookstore to see if I could find a book first. I was looking through them all, confused about which one I should buy. I wanted to learn energy healing but did not know which energy healing technique would be best for me to learn.

Suddenly out of nowhere, two young men appeared. One stood behind, and the other stepped forward to speak to me. I did not have any book in my hand, I was standing in front of the Spiritual book section, wondering what to look at. So they had no way of knowing what I was looking for. The man who...

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Do You Have An Angel With You?

Do you have an Angel with you? Absolutely. There is an angel with you right now.

Everyone has loving Angels with them who are guardians and teachers. I am not going to talk about the religious descriptions of angels. I am going to write about what I have personally experienced and felt…and what I believe. You too should get to know them yourself. 

If you want to meet your own Guardian Angel, watch this video:


It is not my purpose to change your beliefs. Read what I have to say and let me know what you have experienced.

When I first learned about Angels, I was given the standard explanation: "Angels are Created Beings like humans are. But they are not human, and will never be human. And that humans can never be angels." This was not what I learned through my years of working with them. I would advise you too to work with them directly and form your own beliefs guided by your Soul, and your Angels.

As I started to talk to them and work with them,...

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Do THIS When Your Heart Is Breaking For Someone Who Is Broken

angels life coaching Jan 06, 2021

Do you sometimes find yourself helpless…

…because you are trying to help someone, but there seems to be no effect at all? Or you might really care for them, but they won’t listen to you, or will not talk to you?

You see them hurting, you see them breaking apart, you see their lives getting ruined, but your words or efforts just do not get through to them?

There are times when all we can do is pray and hope for the best. However, apart from praying, you can also do a few other things:

  1. If they are totally not receptive to your words/efforts, let go of trying to approach them directly.
  2. Visualize them in your mind, and send them pink light. Surround them in pink light. Pink light is the color of Divine Love. Ask Divine Love to surround them, and help them. Once you have them in a bubble of Pink Light/Divine Love, imagine them happy, and their problem resolved. 
  3. Talk to their Higher Selves or their Guardian Angels. Trust me, this works very often. This is how...
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Meet Your Guardian Angel


Why should we learn to communicate with our Guardian Angels?

They are here to guide us and protect us. If we are able to communicate with them, we make our lives easier, happier, and we help them do their jobs better. 

Learn to talk with your angels:

Our angels exist at much higher vibrations than us. So to meet them, and be able to converse with them, we need to find a common ground. We need to raise our vibrations, and they need to lower theirs a bit. We need to improve our psychic senses (we all have psychic senses – we are born with them), so we can communicate better.

Here is one simple way to raise your vibration and ask your guardian angel for help and advice (or you can watch the video above):

  1. Settle down comfortably and close your eyes.
  2. Breathe comfortably and easily, and focus on your breath for just a few minutes.
  3. Bring your focus to your heart.
  4. See a golden ball of light in your heart.
  5. Each time you inhale, make...
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Weekly Angel Reading July 5th, 2020


A happy happy happy new week and a happy new month to you!

What has been going on in your life? How are you feeling? Many new things are happening in my life, and I am coming close to ending the "How To Make Your Own Angel Oracle Cards & Use Them" course in my Facebook group. I will be taking it off the group in the first week of August when I launch my online Academy. If you had joined the group to do this free course, make sure you complete the course soon.

Have you added yourself to the waitlist of my online Academy? If you haven't, then make sure you don't miss the opportunity:


Let's now get on with the Weekly Angel Reading.



  • Remove all distractions.
  • Ask your guardian angel to help you pick the RIGHT picture for you: A, B, C.
  • Look at the picture above and see which one you feel guided to choose. 
  • Please do not pick a picture because it looks nice, or...
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17 Undeniable Signs of Angels

angel signs angels Jul 02, 2020

Over the past few months, I have been collecting questions that people have sent to me about Angels. I will write about them here, one by one.

One of the questions I am asked often is:

How do I recognize the signs my Angels might be giving me?

1. A sudden fragrance of flowers or other beautiful scents when there is no source of the fragrance around. 

2. Finding a feather in places where you usually will not find them. But even if you find one where there are birds around and you feel drawn towards that feather it is your Angels trying to get your attention. And this is especially so if you have asked them to show their presence to you and you find a feather.

3. Finding coins in unexpected places is another undeniable sign of Angels. Their most common sign is finding pennies or the small coins of any currency on the roads, paths, etc.

4. When you have been thinking of someone, or a problem, or a question, and you hear a song on the radio that reminds you of that person or gives...

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